Ease Software
Our "SATA on AIX" product line is "IBM Ready for DB2".
After passing the test suite on the first run-through, Ease Software, Inc.'s SATA-on-AIX drives (http://www.easesoftware.com) have earned the coveted Ready for IBM DB2 data server software distinction.
Passing the validation suite for DB2 signifies that Ease Software's SATA on AIX product line is a valid solution for any IBM AIX site that is running DB2.
A database server is often the most key computing resource a company has. It must be reliable, robust, and fast. SATA on AIX provides all of these requirements.
And that is good news for DB2 users. SATA-on-AIX's Ready for DB2 data server software validation means clients can have the high performance of directly attached disks equal to SCSI and SAS, the mammoth sizes usually associated with SAN and Fibre, and the extremely low costs usually associated with PC and Linux systems--all on a stable SATA-on-AIX drive.
Those concerned about support need not worry. Ease Software is adopting IBM's original model of customer service. The company provides support for its software for free, forever--no catch, no gimmicks. If a SATA-on-AIX system breaks, Ease Software will fix it. We believe it is high time the customers expect their computers to work again and our company is prepared to deliver this with our world class service.